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2022 National Capital Orchid Society Show

I can't think of a better way to start a new blog than with lots of pretty pictures.
Here are all of the photos I took at the show - there are a lot!
Click any photo to see a gallery (Edit - desktop only)

Gary asked me to design the flier - I thought it turned out pretty well.  This smaller version for social media (above) it was even better!

National Capital Orchid Society


Maryland Orchid Society


Lord Fairfax Orchid Society


J&L Orchids

My Orchid Display

I would have benefited from a few more hours, and some pins to keep the green fabric in place.  The wind rocking the backdrops caused it, and the driftwood to fall multiple times.  Had to compromise and place them where they would stay, and maybe not where I would have liked them!

Bill Elbert's three Ophrys stole the show, and were the only borrowed plants in the display.  Beyond those three - everything else was grown under lights! 

Ophrys lutea - Bill Elbert

Ophrys tenthredinifera - Bill Elbert

Ophrys speculum - Bill Elbert


Slipper Orchid Alliance


Wade's Orchids


Waldor Orchids


Catoctin Orchid Society


Susquehanna Orchid Society


Mount Prospect Orchids


Woodstream Orchids
